Mills & Reeve LLP is a law firm headquartered in London. It has offices in Birmingham, Cambridge, Leeds, Manchester, Norwich and Oxford.


• No visibility of where they were using power
• High energy bills
• £24,200 saving per annum
• A saving of 16,697.35 kg CO2e per annum
“Mills & Reeve ran a trial with Enerlytic to ascertain our levels of energy usage and identify opportunities to make savings in
our central Birmingham office. We’ve been able to analyse the data alongside support from Hannah and this has given us a plan of action to support our net zero ambitions – as well as reducing our environmental impact at no detriment to our staff or our operations”.
Jessica Wilkes-Ball, Sustainability Manager


Mills & Reeve is committed to minimising their impact on the environment, ensuring they promote environmental sustainability in all aspects of operations, and recognising everyone’s joint responsibility for guardianship of the environment.
Mills and Reeve has set goals to achieve net zero by 2050. As part of this, they are looking into how they can reduce energy consumption at their sites,


Enerlytic installed a monitoring device at one of their 7 sites and immediately started reporting power data via the insights tool.
It was identified that there was significant usage during the evening and weekend periods when there were very few people around during those times. Following an initial review of the data, it was apparent that the usage was coming from the MFDs & FCUS which were subsequently turned off for a short period.
This demonstrated significant energy savings and will now be controlled and used to support with decisions of equipment use in the offices going forward.


Benefit One
The 1-2hr turn off of the MFDs and FCUs achieved a saving of 14% per day. Based on their annual consumption, this will achieve a saving of £24,200 per annum.
Benefit Two
The 14% reduction will achieve a saving of 16,697.35 kg CO2e per annum.